This event is now full.

Join HR expert, Perry Timms and Cornerstone over lunch, for this first in a series of roundtables looking at how HR is changing, what a healthy talent management programme looks like, and how organisations can get ready for the new wave of HR - HR 3.0.

During these roundtables, Perry and Dominic Holmes (principle strategy and value) from Cornerstone will open up the floor to discuss your Talent Health Assessment Results*, offer advice from their own consultancy experience as well as facilitate peer to peer feedback and knowledge share.

Why get involved?

Use your Talent Health Assessment* results to understand what areas of Talent Management need an overhaul and what areas are working well for your organisation
Take time to discuss strategies that may work for your organisation with Perry Timms and Dominic Holmes
Work with your peers to understand how they are tackling similar HR issues
Leave with a plan of attack across key areas of your HR strategy

Please note: we expect a high demand for this event, therefore we would recommend that you register to avoid disappointment.
About the Talent Health Index Report
In September 2023, Cornerstone released their first Talent Health Index Report which examined the Seven Dimensions of Talent Health. The report looked at global talent health and rated over 400 organisations in terms of their maturity stages: Foundational, Administrative, Sophisticated or Transformative. Alongside this report Cornerstone also developed a Talent Health Assessment to help organisations understand where they rank on the maturity model.
What are the Seven Dimensions of Talent Health?
*All registrants attending the session should try to take this assessment before the roundtable.

Your facilitators

Perry Timms is a consultant, international conference speaker and coach based in Northamptonshire, UK, and the founder of People and Transformational HR Ltd. Named by HR Magazine as the most influential HR thinker of 2022, he is a Visiting Fellow and Adjunct Professor at 4 UK Business Schools, a Chartered Member of the CIPD and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA).
Dominic Holmes is a Principal Consultant with Cornerstone’s Thought Leadership and Advisory Services (TLAS) inhouse consultancy practice. He works with prospects and clients across our International region to help them maximise the business value they get from their spend on talent management software and learning content. He specialises in building collaborative business cases, based around a shared vision of the future, that help executive sponsors to take the whole organisation with them on the change journey.