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Are you struggling to articulate the return on your learning content investment?

You are not alone; this is something we hear every day as we speak with L&D professionals around the world. We have designed this webinar to help you talk about the importance of investing in learning content for your organisation’s future development with confidence.

In today's fast-paced business environment, investing in learning and development is crucial for fostering growth, enhancing employee skills, and staying competitive. But how can you measure the success of your learning content? How do you explain the ROI?

No learning happens without the right content. You may have the best tech infrastructure available on the market, but without the right content in your library, deployed against your skill development strategy, then you will struggle to articulate to your senior leaders why it is important to invest in better, or more learning content.

Join this webinar to hear from our content and advisory experts as they talk through the benefits of digital learning content, increasing self-directed learning across your organisations with better communication, and implementing a ‘content as a strategy’ approach.


Mark Lamswood

Mark Lamswood

Director, Content Services EMEA
Chris Giddings

Chris Giddings

Content Expert, UK